Level 3 Supported Accommodation
About Supported Accommodation
As an accredited level 3 residential service and leading provider of independent supported living, we ensure the very best support and assistance from our team of experienced and caring staff.
From the provision of accommodation and food to appropriate personal care services, our organisation is built on the foundations of quality care and all-round support so our residents can live with peace of mind knowing their needs are being met whenever they require assistance.

All of our Centres feature:
Meals provided
Laundry Services
Weekly Doctor Visits & Medical Appointment Booking
Single or Shared rooms
Community Activities
Supervision of Medication
Our Locations

Pine Mountain

At Fairhaven, we do our very best to provide independent living spaces in the form of shared and single bedroom units. Our residents can enjoy living independently with their own bathroom facility, while personal laundry services and open living spaces give residents the freedom to live life on their own terms.
Our mission is to make supported living an enjoyable experience. We provide group and individual opportunities within the community to support people to make new friends, connect with a range of daily activities and build and develop skills and interests.
Fairhaven assesses each person who applies for supported accommodation on a case by case basis. The assessment is based on how the facility and its staff can best meet the resident's needs whilst providing them with a quality lifestyle. If this cannot be achieved, then the application is rejected.
Most people who live at a Fairhaven facility require some assistance in daily living. They may have been experiencing difficulty living independently within the general community. Most of Fairhaven's residents have one or more of the following:
- Mild mental illness
- Acquired brain injury
- Mild to moderate intellectual disability
- Dementia
- Permanent physical disability
- Age related illness
- Aged, but requiring low level care as per an Aged Care Assessment
- Alcohol related dementia

Do you have any questions? Send us an email and we’ll get in touch shortly, or phone between 8:00 and 18:00 Monday to Friday — we would be delighted to speak.